
StarExec is a cross community logic solving service developed at the University of Iowa under the direction of principal investigators Aaron Stump (Iowa), Geoff Sutcliffe (University of Miami), and Cesare Tinelli (Iowa).
Its main goal is to facilitate the experimental evaluation of logic solvers, broadly understood as automated tools based on formal reasoning. The service is designed to provide a single piece of storage and computing infrastructure to logic solving communities and their members. It aims at reducing duplication of effort and resources as well as enabling individual researchers or groups with no access to comparable infrastructure.
StarExec allows
- community organizers to store, manage and make available benchmark libraries;
- competition organizers to run logic solver competitions; and
- community members to perform comparative evaluations of logic solvers on public or private benchmark problems.
See here for machine specifications for the compute nodes.
A virtual machine for StarExec is here. It is recommended to upgrade to the latest VirtualBox for this (confirmed working for version 4.3.24).
Use of StarExec is bound by the following terms of service.
Development details can be found on our public development wiki.
StarExec Advisory Committee
- Nikolaj Bjørner (Microsoft Research)
- Ewen Denney (NASA Ames)
- Aarti Gupta (NEC Labs)
- Ian Horrocks (Oxford)
- Giovambattista Ianni (University of Calabria)
- Daniel Le Berre (University of Artois)
- Johannes Waldmann (Leipzig University of Applied Sciences)
StarExec was first supported by a US$2.11 million grant from the National Science Foundation, the details of which can be found here (the Iowa part) and here (the Miami part). A further grant of US$1.00 million provided support for futher development, the details of which can be found here (the Iowa part) and here (the Miami part).
Many people have contributed in various capacities to the StarExec project so far.
The following people were involved in the development of the software infrastructure at various stages of the project: Eric Burns (Iowa), Todd Elvers (Iowa), Albert Giegerich (Iowa), Pat Hawks (Iowa), Tyler Jensen (Iowa), Wyatt Kaiser (Iowa), Ben McCune (Iowa), CJ Palmer (Iowa), Vivek Sardeshmukh (Iowa), Skylar Stark (Iowa), Ruoyu Zhang (Iowa), Rahul Dass (Miami), Pedro Davila (Miami), John McKeown (Miami), Joseph Masterjohn (Miami), and Muhammad Nassar (Miami).
Computer system support and assistance in designing and building the hardware infrastructure was provided by Hugh Brown (Iowa), Dan Holstad (Iowa), Jamie Tisdale (Iowa), JJ Ulrich (Iowa), and Joel Zysman (Miami).
In addition to the members of the Advisory Board, the following people have provided useful feedback and input: Clark Barrett, Christoph Benzmüller, Armin Biere, David Cok, Morgan Deters, Jürgen Giesl, Alberto Griggio, Thomas Krennwallner, Jens Otten, Andrei Paskevich, Olivier Roussel, Martina Seidl, Stephan Schulz, Michael Tautschnig, Christoph Wintersteiger, and Harald Zankl.